Furuno ecdis questions and answers
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Dating > Furuno ecdis questions and answers
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Далее продолжаем затрагивать тему электронных карт. A rate gyro is always automatically selected.
The source and edition date of the CD is displayed here. When used in an ECDIS, ENC data facilitates unique functionality that improves the safety of navigation at sea. It is this database that is actually accessed by the ECDIS for display and other navigational functions, and is the equivalent to an up-to-date paper chart. All functions of the ECDIS can be accessed using the trackball, mouse buttons and scrollwheel alone. If you try to load expired permits, following message appears. Perform SENC conversion for these charts. Check Automatic SENC conversion and Automatic Display Until. Place the cursor on Palette. Available menus and functions depend on cursor location. Depth contour value of 10 m is presented as Safety Contour in this electronic chart. Selects presentation mode: North-up TM, Route-up RM, Course-up RM, North-up RM, Course-up TM.
The training complies with the STCW 2010 code and is kept up-to-date with the current flag state requirements. For further details about diagnostic tests, see the service manual.
FURUNO ECDIS User Manual - Click the View CD ROM content Summary button in the Load or Update Charts from loaded CD ROM dialog box see previous page. The coordinate is changed and the window is closed.
OPERATOR'S MANUAL Electronic Chart Display and Information System ECDIS MODEL FEA-2107 FEA-2107-BB FEA-2807 www. Printed in Japan B : JUL. Wrong operation or maintenance can cancel the warranty or cause injury. The screens you see depend on your system configuration and equipment settings. How to discard this product Discard this product according to local regulations for the disposal of industrial waste. How to discard a used battery Some FURUNO products have a battery ies. To see if your product has a battery ies , see the chapter on Maintenance. Follow the instructions below if a battery ies is used. In the European Union The crossed-out trash can symbol indicates that all types of batteries must not be discarded in standard trash, or at a trash site. Cd In the USA The Mobius loop symbol three chasing arrows indicates that Ni-Cd and leadacid rechargeable batteries must be recycled. Take the used batteries to a battery collection site according to local laws. In the other countries Ni-Cd Pb There are no international standards for the battery recycle symbol. The number of symbols can increase when the other countries make their own recycling symbols in the future. Indicates a condition that can cause minor or moderate injury if not avoided. Prohibitive Action Mandatory Action WARNING Do not open the equipment. This equipment uses high voltage that can cause electrical shock. Only qualified persons can work inside the equipment. Turn off power at switchboard if the something is dropped inside the equipment. Fire or electrical shock can result if the power remains on. Turn off power at switchboard if the equipment is emitting smoke or fire. Fire or electrical shock can result if the power remains on. Do not place liquid filled containers on the top of the equipment. Fire or electrical shock can result if a liquid spills into the equipment. CAUTION Do not dissassemble or modify the equipment. Fire, electrical shock or bodily injury can result. Do not operate the equipment with wet hands. Fire or electrical shock can result. Keep the equipment away from rain, water and water splash. Fire or electrical shock can result if water gets into the equipment. Use the correct fuse. Use of a wrong fuse can cause bodily injury or fire. The BACKPLANE board PCI-SS-RSR40 in the processor unit has a lithium battery. The battery should only be replaced by a qualified technician. The battery may burst if it is the wrong type. WARNING LABEL A warning label is attached to the processor unit. Do not remove the label. If the label is missing or damaged, contact a FURUNO agent or dealer about replacement. WARNING To avoid electrical shock, do not remove cover. No user-serviceable parts inside. Name: Warning Label 1 Type: 86-003-1011-0 Code No. Target Tracking TT Functions........................................................................................................ Steering with FURUNO Autopilot FAP-2000................................................................................... Steering with YOKOGAWA Autopilot PT-500A.............................................................................. Steering with TOKYO KEIKI Autopilot PR-6000........................................................................... AP-10 Appendix 2: IHO ECDIS Chart 1............................................................................................................. AP-13 Appendix 3: Interpreting S57 Charts....................................................................................................... AP-44 iii a e of ontents A4. AP-85 Appendix 6: Route Backup........................................................................................................................ AP-92 Appendix 7: Menu Tree.............................................................................................................................. AP-93 Appendix 8: Digital Interface.................................................................................................................... AP-117 Appendix 9: Parts List and Parts Location............................................................................................ We are confident you will see why the FURUNO name has become synonymous with quality and reliability. For more than 60 years FURUNO Electric Company has enjoyed an enviable reputation for innovative and dependable marine electronics equipment. This dedication to excellence is furthered by our extensive global network of agents and dealers. This equipment is designed and constructed to meet the rigorous demands of the marine environment. However, no machine can perform its intended function unless installed, operated and maintained properly. Please carefully read and follow the recommended procedures for operation and maintenance. It complies with IMO Resolution A. The ECDIS displays electronic charts, nav lines, TT data, AIS targets and other navigation data on a high-resolution 20. The FEA-2107-BB is supplied without a monitor, permitting use of the commercial monitor of your choice. AIS transponder and TT i 06. The ECDIS processor is connected to various sensors, and performs navigation calculations and route monitoring. Connections to interfaces are typically made with a LAN Local Area Network Adapter. The ECDIS processor can be used for both route planning and route monitoring. If required, there can be additional identical ECDIS EC1000C Workstation s connected to the same LAN to share the tasks of the ECDIS. If the system has two workstations connected together as multiple workstations, the system keeps data on the workstations harmonised and also tracks selections and settings made on any workstation. Typically there can be the following kinds of configurations of workstations: x x Mode as Single, only one workstation is used in the system. Mode as Multiple, two workstations are used in the system where usage rights and sensor source of workstations can be changed by the operator. In the multiple workstation configuration two fully redundant navigation workstations. The DVD-ROM and floppy disk drives are behind the lid on the front panel. To turn off the system, reverse this sequence. Note: The amount of resources used increases over time, sometimes slowing down operation. If operation seems to be slow, re-set the power, when use of the equipment is not required; for example, when in port. XX i i The ECDIS has two types of diagnostic tests. One type several tests checks the functionality of the equipment and the other type calibrates the monitor. This manual provides only the instructions for testing the keyboard. For further details about diagnostic tests, see the service manual. Preparation includes route definition, route calculation and route optimization. Required sea charts are also prepared in voyage planning, either by updating existing charts or creating new ones. A route consists of the following: x x x Position of each waypoint Turning instructions for each waypoint Safety limits between waypoints channel limits x x x Safe water calculation based on safety limits Required steering accuracy for individual legs Speed restrictions for legs Information notebook: x x Information pages to alert the operator to a given waypoint or a selected area. Voyage optimization: x x Timetable optimization Optimization based on economical factors x The ECDIS processor calculates optimum speed and course between each waypoint, ETA and fuel consumption, based on the defined data. There are four calculation strategies: Max. Speed, Timetable, Lowest Cost and Best Profit. In case of Great Circle sailing between two waypoints, the ECDIS calculates minimum and maximum latitudes, and if needed adds an extra waypoint s so as not to exceed minimum and maximum latitudes. Load new S57 and ARCS charts. Update existing S57 and ARCS charts. Create operator navigation charts. Process chart alerts based on symbols, lines and areas of user chart. The system integrates valid information from different sensors and uses the Kalman filter technology for final position calculation. Part of the monitoring is also the display of electronic sea charts and conning information. The following alerts are incorporated: x Route monitoring alerts x Position calculation alerts x Position monitoring alerts x Waypoint approach alerts x Alerts for sensor failure x Alerts for system failure x Alerts for incorrect operator action x Alert based on chart database Built-in man over board function records position at the time of man overboard. The Status bar, which is always shown at the top of the screen, mainly displays equipment status. The boxes at the right side of the screen comprise the Information areas. They are permanently displayed and show information such as your ship's position, alerts generated by the system, workstation mode and cursor position. The operator may display the data of his or her choice in one of the information areas called a Sidebar. The bottom block in the information area is the Mouse functions area, and it shows the current left mouse button, scrollwheel and right mouse button functions, in that order from left to right. There are two kinds of electronic navigational charts available for use in the ECDIS: S57ed3 ENC or CM-93 vector format ARCS raster format Official paper charts may be replaced with S57ed3 ENC and ARCS charts. The operator should check the current situation in his or her flag country administration and if in doubt use the paper charts as the primary source of navigational information. The ECDIS combines chart and navigational information. It should be noted that modern navigation systems e. ECDIS is compatible with S57 release 3 ENC format charts. When you open a chart, it is displayed with the default scale, called the compilation scale. The details for the chart are displayed in the electronic chart area and these can be modified. You can change the chart scale with the ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT functions, and the scale range is 1:1,000 - 1:50,000,000. CM-93 Compatibility with CM-93 format depends on commercial agreements. Some versions of this ECDIS are compatible and others are not. The compatibility is controlled by the security device called a dongle. From CM-93 format the ECDIS generates SENC which is used for actual operations of the ECDIS. The difference between S57ed3 ENC charts and CM-93 charts is that the CM-93 charts are from a private source and they cannot be used as a substitute for paper charts under any condition. IS is ay CM-ENC C-MAP produced official ENC chart which complies with the IHO's International Hydrographic Organisation's S57 Edition 3 product specification. When used in an ECDIS, ENC data facilitates unique functionality that improves the safety of navigation at sea. S57 vector chart ARCS charts are digital reproductions of British Admiralty BA paper charts. They retain the same standards of accuracy, reliability and clarity as paper charts. Zooming into the ARCS chart can be useful for magnifying a complex detail, however this decreases the density of the data displayed, and can give a false impression of the distance from danger. Therefore, it is possible to zoom 2x the original paper chart's scale or ½ the original paper chart's scale. ARCS raster format chart IS is ay The user interface is defined as the areas that are not displaying the electronic chart, either raster chart or vector chart. The user interface contains information about settings, parameters and selections used by the ECDIS. The nature of the information displayed can be either static such as name of a certain window, fields in chart legend, units, etc. Setting Day Bright Day Blue Dusk Dusk Blue Night Background color of chart Light-blue Light-blue Blue Blue Black Background color of information area White Dark-blue Black Dark-blue Black With any palette selection except Day Bright, text is shown in different colors to help you distinguish between them. For example, dynamic data like your ship's position, time or direct control of parameters scale, predictor time, etc. To select a color palette, do the following: 1. Set the cursor in the electronic chart area. Push the left mouse button to open the Chart Display dialog box. Place the cursor on Palette. Spin the scrollwheel to select desired palette, referring to the table above, then push the scrollwheel. Click the X at the top right corner of the dialog box to close the box. Note: The display colors may change to the Windows standard color palette whenever a USB memory device is inserted or removed. When Windows initiates USB recognition procedures, the Windows stardard color palette is restored. To restore the ECDIS color palette, open the Chart Display menu and follow the procedure on this page. IS is ay i The information area displays details about your ship's position, course and speed and the cursor's location on the chart Information from the positioning sensors: x x x x x x x HDG heading and its source if it is not true gyro. SPD water speed SB, Transversal speed, positive value to Starboard. COG Course over ground and its source SOG Speed over ground Latitude and longitude position of own ship Datum in use WGS 72, WGS 84, European 1950, etc. See the next page. IS is ay i i You may select what kind of information to display in the sidebar right side of the ECDIS. The options shown below are available and the content of the sidebar windows change with the devices and sensors connected to the system. The route display or autopilot display is always displayed. You can display one of them together with the conning display, docking display or chart legend. When two sidebars are active, the width of the information area is doubled, as shown below. Two sidebars may be displayed. Place the cursor on the area shown. See figure at right. Click the right mouse button to show the sidebar menu on the display. Spin the scrollwheel to select desired sidebar from the menu then push the scrollwheel. To remove an item from the sidebar, deselect it following this procedure. OFF T VECT G 5 min Predictor OFF PASTPOSN T 2min CPA 10. Route: Calculated set course to follow the monitored route, including off track, drift and gyro error compensation. Off track: Perpendicular distance the ship is from the intended track. To WPT: The waypoint which the ship is approaching. Time: Time to go to WOP dd:hh:mm:ss. Turn rate: Calculated rate of turn which is based on current speed and planned turning radius. Additional textual information is available if any of the following steering modes are in use. For steering with FURUNO Autopilot FAP-2000, see Chapter 30. For more information, see Chapter 32. It indicates that if the ship continues using the current course the ship will be outside of the channel at wheel over point. Set CRS: Actual set course Set HDG: Actual set heading Radius: Actual set radius ROT: Value for ROT x Cond: Setting for loading condition x Perf: Setting for steering accuracy x Off track: Distance from center line of planned route x x x x i x x x i i i i The following information is shown in the conning display sidebar: ROT indicator Heading indicator Speed indicators x x x Longitudinal speed and source of speed Transversal speed kn Rudder angle indicator Transversal speed frwd Longitudinal speed Transversal speed aft kn kn i x x x i i i The following information is shown in the docking sidebar: ROT indicator Heading indicator Speed indicators x x x x Longitudinal speed and source of speed Transversal speed Transversal speed frwd Longitudinal speed Transversal speed aft kn Depth Depth at bow Rudder angle indicator Depth below transducer x x On bow On stern kn kn Depth at stern i i i For detailed information see the chapters on vector charts S57 and raster charts ARCS. IS is ay i i i i There are several dialog boxes which can be activated by mouse-clicking over certain areas on the ECDIS display. Place the cursor over the appropriate area then click the right or left mouse button to display the corresponding dialog box on the ECDIS display. See the figure below to find the places and mouse button to click to get desired dialog boxes on the display. To close a dialog box, click the X at the top right corner of the dialog box. Note that only one dialog box may be shown at a time. To activate dialog box to open new position, proceed as follows: 1. Function keys Operation Parameter backup Digitizer Backup and Restore Installation parameters Navigation parameters Chart Alert parameters Optimization parameters Print Navigation parameters Print Optimization parameters Selftest Standby Presentation Library Acess Server and Diagnostic Close X Open Initial Setting menu Select Operation in the menu Select Dialog Position in Operation menu 2. Select Left of sidebar to activate dialog boxes open left of sidebar or Top of side bar if you want to get sidebar open on sidebar. Select Left of sidebar for TCS without conning display. IS is ay ii i i i Dialog boxes which have a triangle at their upper left-hand corner contain a menu which provides additional functions. See the figure at right. Place the cursor on the triangle to show a menu from which to select additional functions. Note: A menu will also appear if you try to activate a dialog box without choosing an option from the menu. For route, user chart or Notes, see section 3. NM Suggested SPD Trial SPD SPD profile kn kn IS is ay i i i i i A route, a user chart or Notes can be selected from the information area, in either the planning mode or the monitoring mode. To select desired mode, put the cursor on the text Route, User Chart or Notes in the information area. A drop-down dialog box appears, where you can select either Monitor or Plan by clicking the appropriate button with the left mouse button. With user chart or Notes, only the planning mode or the monitoring mode can be displayed in the status bar. Displayed selected may be activated with a radio button. See the figure below. Select Route Monitor A Plan B X Select Notes Monitor Notes1 Plan Notes2 X DISP DISP User Chart Monitor A1 Plan B1 X DISP DISP i i The operator controls the ECDIS with the Control Unit RCU-018 or the Control Unit RCU-015. Either unit is equipped with a trackball, right and left mouse buttons and a scrollwheel. The RCU-018 is additionally equipped with a keyboard. All functions of the ECDIS can be accessed using the trackball, mouse buttons and scrollwheel alone. To operate from a menu with the mouse, roll the trackball to select desired item, operate the mouse buttons or scrollwheel depending on item to select option then push the scrollwheel to confirm your selection. The trackball functions like a mouse; the operator rolls the trackball and operates the left and right mouse buttons to access functions. Activates and displays VRM 1 if none is displayed or VRM2 is active. Activates and displays VRM 2 if VRM1 is active. Inactivates and erases VRM 1 if both VRMs are displayed. Inactivates and erases VRM 2 if VRM1 is active. Activates and displays EBL1 if none is displayed or EBL 2 is active. Activates and displays EBL 2 if EBL1 is active. Inactivates and erases EBL1 if both EBLs are displayed. Inactivates and erases EBL 2 if EBL1 is active. Activates operator-defined function or menu. Activates operator-defined function or menu. Alert acknowledgement for alerts generated by chart, navigation or steering calculation. The red lamp behind the key lights and the buzzer sounds when system failure is found. Hit the ALERT ACK key to silence the buzzer. The key remains lit until the reason for the problem is removed. System failure: control unit cannot communicate with EC-1000C. Displays Radar Overlay dialog box, which provides functions for adjustment of the radar picture. Activates standard display presentation on the ECDIS. Restore monitor brilliance to calibrated state. Adjusts control unit dimmer. Selects presentation mode: North-up TM, Route-up RM, Course-up RM, North-up RM, Course-up TM. Offcenters your ship's position to cursor location on the ECDIS display. Press again to return your ship's position to screen center. Enables scrolling on ARCS charts, with the trackball active. Opens Voyage Record sub menu. Opens Plan Route dialog box. Opens Monitor Route dialog box. Opens Sensors dialog box; closes open dialog box or window. Returns your ship marker to screen center in TM and CU modes; inserts a space. Mouse must not be over input field. Displays the Main menu. Inscribes MOB mark on the screen. Records textual information fixed to your ship's position. Shows target data for selected Tracked Target; provides data for selected chart area. Adjusts radar gain on the radar overlay. Reduces rain clutter on the radar overlay. Reduces sea clutter on the radar overlay. Adjust backlight brilliance of ECDIS display s. Press more than two seconds to restore monitor brilliance to calibrated state. Same function as F1. Same function as F1. Same function as F1. Click the left mouse button. Spin the scrollwheel to select Initial Settings then push the scrollwheel. Place the cursor on the triangle in the dialog box to show the Initial Settings menu. Spin the scrollwheel to select Function keys, then push the scrollwheel. The dialog box shown right appears. Place the cursor on the box for F1, F2, F3 or F4 as appropriate then spin the scrollwheel to select desired function or menu. The choices are CHART MENU: Opens chart menu. ALERT ACK: Acknowledge ECDIS-generated alert. INITIAL SETTINGS: Display Initial Settings dialog box. RANGE-: Lowers chart scale. RANGE+: Raises chart scale. SET CHART CENTER: Sets chart center as selected with the cursor. SET SHIP CENTERED: Centers your ship's position. SET SHIPOFFCENTER: Offcenters ship position to cursor location. TM RESET: Resets your ship's position in true motion. RADAR: Displays Radar Overlay dialog box. STANDARD DISPLAY: Calls up standard display; restores monitor brilliance to calibrated state. MENU: Opens Main menu. SENSORS: Opens Sensors dialog box. CHART DISPLAY: Opens Chart Display dialog box. In the example at right the function of each key is as below: F1: Opens Chart Display dialog box. F2: Sets Standard Display settings on display. F3: Opens Chart menu. F4: Acknowledges alerts generated by ECDIS. Click the X mark at the top right corner to close the dialog box. Enable changes i i i Press the hot key corresponding to the menu or function you wish to activate. Left Button Right Button F1 F2 F3 Scrollwheel Trackball F4. This action also displays minimum and maximum values beside the input field. You select the input value by spinning the scrollwheel then push the scrollwheel to accept the value. Alphanumeric data may also be entered directly from the keyboard-equipped control unit. To change a specific digit or alphabet, roll the trackball to put the cursor to the left of the digit or character that you want to change then spin the scrollwheel to select appropriate alphanumeric character. Place the cursor before the co-ordinate N, S, E, W then push the left mouse button. Spin the scrollwheel to select desired polarity then push the scrollwheel. By choosing polarity from drop-down menu 1. Place the cursor inside the input window. Click the right mouse button to show the following window. Select Characters and push the left mouse button. Your window should now look something like the one below. N and S shown for latitude. Spin the scrollwheel to select appropriate polarity then push the scrollwheel. The coordinate is changed and the window is closed. Place the cursor to the right of the digit you want to delete then push the right mouse button. Delete is selected — push the scrollwheel to delete the alphanumeric selected. The character is deleted and the window is closed. When you put the cursor over text or numeric, it turns green, purple or blue depending on Palette in use to indicate that the scrollwheel can be used to scroll options available or change value of number. Selection is confirmed by pushing the scrollwheel. The following selections can be adjusted directly on the screen. See also the figure below. Datum for output coordinates 5. User Chart and Notes operations 7. Use the scrollwheel to scroll options until Course Up RM appears. As you scroll, the color of the text changes to purple or blue depending on the Palette in use. Push the scrollwheel to confirm your selection, and the color of the text becomes its original color. When you move the cursor away from the text, the color of the text returns to its original color. Open the Initial settings menu. Function keys Operation Parameter backup Digitizer Backup and Restore Installation parameters Navigation parameters Chart Alert parameters Optimization parameters Print Navigation parameters Print Optimization parameters Selftest Standby Presentation Library Acess Server and Diagnostic Close X X X X X X 2. Select Operation from the menu. Spin the scrollwheel to select Wheel Drive then push the scrollwheel. Spin the scrollwheel to select Normal or Reverse as appropriate then push the scrollwheel. At the lower right corner of the display the mouse functions area displays available function or menu name, as shown in the figure below. Spin the scrollwheel to select menu or function desired, then push the left mouse button, scrollwheel or right mouse button as appropriate to access the menu or function desired. Available menus and functions depend on cursor location. For more information, see section 3. Use it while in harbour or other similar situation where use of the ECDIS is not required. To switch the Standby mode ON, do as shown in the procedure below. When you switch Standby mode ON, Human Interface, ARCS and S57 drawing processes are automatically restarted. Spin the scrollwheel to select Initial Settings then push the scrollwheel. Place the cursor on the triangle inside the Initial Settings dialog box, and the menu shown left appears. Select Standby then push the scrollwheel. The following window appears at the top of the ECDIS display to indicate that audio alarms are switched off. Stan y o e This page intentionally left blank. For information about updating S57 charts, see section 8. Accordingly, if you have not set Display and Approve dates as the current date there is a possibility that you may get a wrong presentation or some feature may be absent. For how to set Display and Approve dates, see section 8. Setu efore e arture i Set chart alert areas suitable for your coming voyage. This is important because your S57 charts and manual updates may contain chart viewing dates information. You can check chart alerts from the Check page on the Plan Route dialog box. You can access this dialog box by placing the cursor on Route in the status bar, clicking the Plan button to show the Plan Route dialog box then clicking the Check tab. The following information is stored with the route during route plan: x x x Conditions for chart alerts during route monitoring, which includes safety contour and other chart alerts. Name of the user chart to be used during route monitoring together with this planned route. Name of the Notes to be used during route monitoring together with this planned route. WPT Alerts Alerts: Legs by alert Alert: WPT Alerts by leg Alerts: Planned Notes This route is unchecked. Setu efore e arture WPT Alerts Legs: 2 Alerts by leg Alerts: Alerts: 2 Legs by alert Alert: Planned Notes To store selections on the Alerts page, click the Start button. Also, the name of the user chart and the name of Notes, which were selected as planning mode, are stored in this route. Minimally set ETD to equal departure time, and perform desired optimization. Setu efore e arture i i i Select a route for the next voyage: Select Route on the status bar then click the Monitor button. For more information about route selection, see section 14. For further details on how to use checked conditions, see section 6. Setu efore e arture i i The system selects a TO waypoint automatically. Check that it is the correct one. Note that waypoint number 1 is not accepted. Use the Monitor Route dialog box to select a waypoint. If needed use the Monitor Route dialog box to select it. Select used condition during monitoring the same as planned. Setu efore e arture i To check if planned user chart is selected, open the Selections page in the Monitor Route dialog box to check that you have the correct user chart in the monitoring mode. Setu efore e arture i i Checkbox status shows whether the sensor is used for integrated navigation or not. If there is no value shown for a sensor, it indicates that the sensor is not valid. Note that the content of these pages depends on the sensors that are in use on the ship. To display the Sensors dialog box, put the cursor on the position indication in the information area then push the right mouse button. This can be done on the Sensors dialog box. Note that manual speed should only be used in an emergency, when no other speed reference is available. Remember that position sensors are also available as speed sources. If neither Log nor Dual log is available, you can use a radar as the source for speed and course. Note that in the typical installation Gyro1 is connected to a traditional gyrocompass, while Gyro2 receives gyro value from either a Autopilot or a DGPS sensor. Manual heading should only be used in an emergency, when no other heading source is available. A rate gyro is always automatically selected. Setu efore e arture i i ii On the POSN page of the Sensors dialog box, the data field of a position sensor contains a label s in the figure at right it is DGPS, GPS+ZDA which indicates the type of the sensor. Primary-SecondaryOFF indicates sensor status and priority. Position in local datum, speed and course are also shown. Position sensors have priority, which is indicated by Primary and Secondary. Only one sensor can be primary while the others can be secondary or off position. After a sensor is turned off, its status is changed to Secondary state. When a position sensor state is changed to primary and another sensor was primary, the sensor formerly primary becomes secondary. The filter uses in its process all sensors that are not selected to OFF. For more information about the Kalman Filter, see section 19. Normally turn this feature off in the start-up procedure. For more information about position alignment, see section 19. Setu efore e arture i i i Reset menu Record menu To reset the distance and trip counters to zero, do the following: 1. Select Record then push the scrollwheel. Select Reset then push the scrollwheel. Select Distance Counter or Trip Counter as appropriate then push the scrollwheel. Distance counter: Reset both Distance and Trip counters. Trip counter: Reset Trip counter. An appropriate prompts asks you if you are sure to reset selected counter. Click the OK button to reset. The prompt window disappears. It is essential that you use datum in a consistent way. If you use paper charts together with electronic chart material, it is recommended that you use the same datum as your current paper chart to avoid misalignment between your electronic chart system and points taken or plotted on your current paper chart. Once you have selected a datum, all numerical latitude-longitude position values are presented in your selected datum. To change the datum: 1. Select the datum indication in the top box in the information area. Spin the scrollwheel to select appropriate datum, the one that matches your paper charts, then push the scrollwheel. Note: ARCS raster charts contain some rasterized position information, like scale bars on PA paper charts, which is true only if you have selected native datum of that ARCS chart. Setu efore e arture This page intentionally left blank. If the following conditions are met, then your system fulfils IMO A. Your selected display area is covered with updated ENC charts. You have a backup system that fulfils IMO A. One example is a second ECDIS. Note that ENC producers provide their conditions of use in the Publisher Notes, which you should always read when loading new material into the ECDIS. For further details, see section 8. In areas where ENCs are not available, raster chart material called ARCS from UK HO can be used in the ARCS mode of this ECDIS, provided the following additional conditions are met: x x x Own ship area is covered with updated ARCS charts. Your selected display area is covered with up-to-date ARCS charts. Appropriate folio of up-to-date paper chart is carried onboard and available, if required by your flag country administration. Yes Do you have type approved electronic back-up arrangement? Yes Have responsible Hydrographic Offices published official ENCs without any limitation for use? No No Have you included the latest updates into your ECDIS? Yes Your system fulfills IMO resolution A. Data flow chart for replacing paper chart with ENC chart material on itions e uire to e ace a er arts RCDS Raster Chart Display system No Is ECDIS type approved according IEC 61174 including RCDS mode Appendix 7? Yes No You should use paper charts Are Raster charts available for intended voyage? Yes No Have you included the latest updates into your ECDIS? Yes Have you a minimum set of up-to-date paper charts for RCDS mode as specified by your flag country Administration? Data flow chart for replacing paper chart with Raster chart material on itions e uire to e ace a er arts i i i The electronic chart system can display more than one S57 chart cell at a time. This feature is called multi-cell display. If one S57 chart cell does not cover the whole display, the system will open more S57 chart cells for display, if appropriate cells for the displayed area are available. The status bar shows information about S57 chart cells displayed on the electronic chart display area. When automatic TM reset is active, the information is displayed with reference to your ship's position. If TM reset is OFF, the information is displayed with reference to current cursor position. This means that raster chart material is displayed on the electronic chart display area. This means that the S57 chart shown is not official ENC material. In this case you need to have to have an updated paper chart for navigation. Vector-coded charts are coded using a variety of techniques. One technique is called S57ed3 and it has been selected by IMO as the only alternative for SOLAS compliant electronic charts. For further details about C-MAP charts, see Appendix 4. You can read more about ENC and related legal issues in Chapter 7. Sometimes you may wish to manually add Notices to Mariners or Navtex warnings into your S57 charts. Manual updates are valid for both S57 and ARCS charts so you need to define them only once. Also, manual updates are valid for all scales so that you don't need to repeat them for charts published in different scales from the same area. This material, when issued by a government-authorised Hydrographic Office, is called ENC electronic navigational chart. Use, presentation and display of S57 charts are based on International Maritime Organisation IMO , International Hydrographic Organisation IHO and International Electrotechnical Commission IEC regulations and rules S52ed3. When this ECS Electronic Charts system uses an ENC S57 release 3 chart produced by a government-authorised Hydrographic Office , it is an ECDIS as defined by IMO, IHO and IEC. An ENC could be encrypted to prevent unauthorised use so the user needs a permit to view the ENC. This permit could be entered manually from the control head or control unit, loaded from a floppy disk or loaded through telecommunications from an RENC. Some parts of the charts may be date dependent, i. In the electronic chart system, you control all date-dependent objects with Display Until and Approve Until dates. In the paper chart world, the Preliminary and Temporary Notices to Mariners represent the date dependency described above for S57 charts. An important part of ENCs are the updates. Hydrographic Offices can issue two kinds of updates: x Incremental updates, which are small additions to original Base cells. All updates are date stamped and they may also contain date-dependent parts. You control usage of updates in the electronic chart system from Display Until and Approve Until dates. Using Display Until and Approve Until dates, you can view your charts correctly drawn on any date in the past or in the future. Chart material will be stored in media such as CD ROMs and floppies, electronically from LAN Local Area Network in which it could have arrived from RENCs, CD ROMs or floppies. Such material can contain only basic cells, cells and updates or only updates. The electronic chart system contains as standard the software required to access CD ROMs, floppies and LAN. Typically additional textual descriptions and pictures contain important sailing directions, tidal tables and other traditional paper chart features that do not have any other method to be included into the S57 chart. This ECDIS copies these textual descriptions and pictures into its hard disk so the user may cursor-pick them for viewing purposes. For how to interpret the S57 ENC chart display, see Appendix 2. Each cell has a separate unique name. Hydrographic Offices divide their responsibility area by the cells that they publish. A database, standardized as to content, structure and format, is issued for use with ECDIS without any authority of government-authorized Hydrographic Office. The difference of S57 chart and ENC is that non-ENC charts require complete up-to-date paper charts to be used as the primary aid to navigation. A database, standardized as to content, structure and format, is issued for use with ECDIS on the authority of government-authorized Hydrographic Offices. The ENC contains all the chart information necessary for safe navigation and may contain supplementary information in addition to that contained in the paper chart e. The name of the coding standard for ENC is S57ed3. A database resulting from the transformation of the ENC by ECDIS for appropriate use, updates to the ENC by appropriate means, and other data added by the mariner. It is this database that is actually accessed by the ECDIS for display and other navigational functions, and is the equivalent to an up-to-date paper chart. The SENC may also contain information from other sources. A service provider offering ENC delivery and update service as defined in IHO standard S52e3. Often an RENC provides both CD ROM and telecommunications-based service to ECDIS users. One example of an RENC is an RENC in Stavanger, Norway, operating under the marketing name PRIMAR. ENC SENC RENC ector art ateria The chart legend, which provides various data about the chart currently displayed, can be toggled on and off by placing the cursor in the sidebar, clicking the right mouse button, choosing Chart Legend from the menu and then pushing the scrollwheel. This system is capable of showing more than one S57 chart at a time. This feature is called the multi-chart display. If one S57 chart does not cover the whole display, the system will open more S57 chart cells for display, if appropriate cells for the displayed area are available. The chart legend shows information about S57 charts displayed on the electronic chart display area. The information is displayed with reference to own ship position if automatic TM reset is active, or with reference to the current position of the cursor if automatic TM Reset is OFF. Cell name: Name of chart. Navigational purpose: S57 charts are compiled for a variety of navigational purposes. The navigational purpose, for which an individual S57 chart has been compiled by a Hydrographic Office, is indicated in this field. Alternatives are: Overview, General, Coastal, Approach, Harbour and Berthing. Issue date: Issue date of the Base cell of the chart. Edition number: Edition number of the chart. Last displayed update: Number of last update, which is visible on the chart screen. Update issue date: Issue date of last update, which is visible on the chart screen Last update appl. Projection: Projection of the chart. The projection is always Mercator. Horizontal datum: Horizontal datum of the chart data as published by the chart producer. By definition this must be WGS 84. Vertical datum: Vertical datum of the chart. Sounding datum: Datum used for soundings. Quality of data: Quantitative estimate of the accuracy of chart features, given by the chart producer. A positive value indicates a change in an easterly direction and a negative value indicates a change in a westerly direction. Depth: Unit of measurement for depth. Height: Unit of measurement for height above sea level for example, clearance height. Only up-to-date S57 charts can be legal replacement for paper charts. Permanent warnings appear if the system detects a condition that may cause the use of charts which are not up-to-date. Note: The system can assist in keeping RENC-received charts up-to-date. For charts which have been loaded from sources other than an RENC, the system is unable to know the exact up-to-date situation. For further details see paragraph 8. You have loaded updates into your hard disk, but these updates are not included in the SENC. The name of the chart appears in orange in the chart catalogue. Perform SENC conversion for these charts. For SENC conversion, see paragraph 8. For further details, see paragraph 8. You have loaded an update which contained cancel information for a chart, and you have selected not to remove the cancelled chart. This permanent indication reminds you about your intended use of a cancelled chart. Consider removing the chart. For information on how to remove S57 charts, see paragraph 8. Chart permit has been removed after chart was converted to SENC. You have expired permit for the chart in Chart permit dialog. Remove permit or renew subscription for permit.. Then, the system asks which charts you want to load from the selected media. After building the CD ROM catalogue, you can view the contents of it using the Chart Catalogue command in the Chart menu. To load by CD ROM catalogue, do the following: 1. Insert CD ROM or floppy disk to drive. The default load source is from CD ROM. If ECDIS finds a CD-ROM containing chart data then CD-Catalogue will be automatically loaded otherwise window shown below appears, you have to define correct directory, then click the Load button to load from a CD ROM. If you want to load from another ECDIS using LAN, you have to change Load Dir. Click the Browse button to select a new Load Dir. The ECDIS loads content summary, publisher notes and Product List from the CD ROM and then opens the Load or Update Charts from CD ROM dialog box. The system automatically copies all text and pictures files associated with charts from the CD ROM catalogue. The system keeps only the latest version of these. If your system already has newer text or pictures in use, you will get the notice below. In the Load or Update Charts from loaded CD ROM window see page 8-10 , you select the charts to load into the ECDIS. Name of CD-ROM appears here. Then, click the Load button to load charts into the ECDIS. Before ECDIS starts loading charts and then automatically converts them into SENC format you are asked confirmation for this operation. Charts are loaded into ECDIS and then automatically converted to SENC format. The SENC Convert window appears. If an error is detected during conversion from ENC to SENC, the following window appears. To find the reason click the Details button. When conversion is completed, the following window appears. Remove CD-ROM floppy and insert next CD-ROM floppy. Do step 2 to 10. Repeat the procedure for remaining CD-ROM floppy. Do step 2 to 10 for the Update CD floppy.. The source and edition date of the CD is displayed here. A list of charts stored in the CD ROM, edition number of the chart and the number of updates included in the chart. In the Load Selector field, you can select how to pick desired charts from the list: x Name: ECDIS will display chart names on graphical presentation if selected. For more information, see chapter Grouping S57 chart cells. This is the recommended way. For how to do this, see paragraph 8. Note 2: You should read the text file associated with each catalogue. The text file typically contains very important notices for the usage of the charts from the producing Hydrographic Office. Click the View CD ROM Publisher Notes button in the Load or Update Charts from loaded CD ROM dialog box see previous page. If you want to make a hard copy of Publisher Notes, hit the Print Text button. To close this window, click the X at the upper right corner of the window. Note 3: You can view the summary of the contents of the CD ROM. It contains information about charts you are going to load. Click the View CD ROM content Summary button in the Load or Update Charts from loaded CD ROM dialog box see previous page. Each row contains: x x x x x Cell ID: Edition: Base: Name of the chart Edition number of the chart Included update number and issue date of Base cell of the chart First Update: Update number and issue date of the first update included Last Update: Update number and issue date of the last update included 12. If you want to make a hard copy of the Publisher Notes, hit the Print Text button. To close this window, click the X in the upper right corner of the window. Show the Load or Update Charts from loaded CD ROM dialog box. Select desired CD ROM from the list of CD ROMs. Click the Load History button. A window which looks something like the one below appears. You can verify which charts are already loaded from the CD ROM. Select desired CD ROM from the list of CD ROMs. A window which looks something like the one below appears. You can verify which charts are already converted from the CD ROM. Show the Load or Update Charts from loaded CD ROM dialog box. Select desired CD ROM. Use the Remove button to permanently remove selected CD ROM catalogue from ECDIS. This indicates that you are using a newer reissue of the chart mentioned in the box, which includes this update. This indicates that you are using a newer reissue of the chart mentioned in the box. This indicates that you are using the updates mentioned in the box. Note: You cannot replace chart data which is already in use unless you only replace the latest Base cell or update. If you want to reload older data again, you must first remove the chart from your hard disk. For further details, see paragraph 8. Study these messages very carefully because you may need to use paper charts to fulfil SOLAS requirements. Test before ENC to SENC conversion fails CRC checksum is tested before the SENC conversion and if it fails you get this message. ENC to SENC conversion fails or detects errors If the SENC conversions detect anything abnormal, you get following message window: For further details, see paragraph 8. A new edition of the chart has been published and you missed it If you tried to load updates for a chart for which you do not have new enough Base cell or reissue in your hard disk, you will get following message: The message above clearly indicates that this chart is not up-to-date and thus it does not fulfil SOLAS requirements. Get the latest edition of the chart from the publisher immediately. The message above clearly indicates that this chart is not up-to-date and thus it does not fulfil SOLAS requirements. Get the latest edition of the chart from the publisher immediately. Unsafe chart has been cancelled by the publisher If you load an update which contains instructions from the publisher to cancel the chart, you get following message: Normally, you should accept the cancellation by clicking the Yes button. Then the system automatically removes the chart from the hard disk and from your chart screen. You may elect to keep the chart although the publisher of it has told you that the content of the chart is so unsafe that they have cancelled it. The reason might be that you do not have anything better available. In this case, click the No button. Then the system automatically removes the ENC status from the chart, because the publisher has told so in his special cancellation update. Note that the cancellation message above clearly indicates that the publisher says that this chart is unsafe for navigation and thus it does not fulfil SOLAS requirements. Get the latest edition of the chart from the publisher immediately to replace the unsafe cancelled chart. Minimum requirements for loading manually is legally coded: x XXXXXXXX. NNN file, in which NNN is a number from 001 to 999, and which includes an update. Select Load and Update Charts from the menu and Manual from the sub menu. Then, you can select desired drive and charts. When you are ready to load charts, click the Load Chart button. The system may also make conversion into the SENC and setting of Display Until date automatically if you have set up for them. This can take a few minutes. An ENC has to be converted into SENC format before it can be used in the ECDIS. The ECDIS can convert ENC into SENC format automatically. If the conversion is successful, the Failed SENC conversion window does not appear. If the system fails to convert ENC into SENC or if the system detects a coding error in an ENC, the Failed SENC conversion window appears with a list of failed ENCs. In this window you can select any of the charts to see the reason for failure in conversion. Normally the conversion is initiated automatically when a chart is loaded. You can also initiate conversion from The SENC Convert window or from a cell status window. Speeding up SENC conversion The SENC conversion speed depends about how many other tasks the system is occupied with. Select display mode upper left corner on the status bar as True Motion. Set chart center so ship is off the screen or TM reset is OFF. Further, display dates can be set as issue dates automatically. Do the following to set these options: 1. Select System in the menu and then SENC Convert Settings from the menu and then push the scrollwheel. A SENC Convert Settings dialog box appears: 4. Check Automatic SENC conversion and Automatic Display Until. Click the X at the top of the dialog box to close the box. Select SENC Convert from the menu and then push the scrollwheel. The SENC Convert window appears. If you want to view the progress of SENC conversion, display the SENC Convert window as follows: The example above shows a queue of unfinished SENC conversions. Note: You can remove charts from the conversion list at any time. Use the cursor to highlight desired amount of chart names in the Conversion List. Then, click the Cancel Conv. The example above shows that all SENC conversions have been finished. Then, you can see CD ROM history by clicking the CD History button. You can view the results of loaded charts from a CD ROM by clicking the Load History button, or you can view the results of the finished SENC conversions by clicking Conv. Status of Failure means that the system completely failed to convert the ENC into the SENC and thus the ENC cannot be used. Status of Errors means that the system detected minor or major errors in the conversion of the ENC into the SENC. Check the content of Conv. History and cell status to see if the error was minor or major. Major errors are indicated as NON ENC in Conv. Note that the status of errors together with NON ENC in Conv History clearly indicate that this chart is not up-to-date and thus it does not fulfil SOLAS requirements. Get the latest edition of this chart from the publisher immediately. Failure clearly indicates that this chart is not up-to-date and thus it does not fulfil SOLAS requirements. Get the latest edition of this chart from the publisher immediately. The Failed SENC conversion window contains two buttons. History opens the conversion history log and Cell Status opens the window of selected item in the list of Failed SENC conversions window. History button is used to display the conversion log. The conversion log shows the status of converted ENCs. For further details about the results of conversions, see paragraph 8. Click the Cell Status button, and a Cell Status window appears. Then you can click the Conv Log button to view a detailed description of errors and failures detected during SENC conversion see example below. You can view the content of this log at any time by doing the following: 1. Select SENC Convert from the menu and then push the scrollwheel. The SENC Convert window appears. After conversion Conversion list is empty , click the Conv. Note: You can also activate the Conv. A list of converted charts appears: You can view the status of converted charts on the list, and also source if it is available. Click the X at top right corner to close the window. Below are examples of all possible results of conversion: Successful auto. Note that the chart is still ENC. Note that the chart is no longer ENC if it was produced by a Hydrographic Office. You must refer to a paper chart as legal primary aid of navigation, when you navigate in the area covered by this chart. You must refer to a paper chart as legal primary aid of navigation, when you navigate in the area covered by this chart. Failed automatic conversion: ENCD ROMK3EI0XE. Note that the chart is still ENC, but it no longer fulfils the SOLAS requirement. You must refer to a paper chart as legal primary aid of navigation, when you navigate in the area covered by this chart. Try to reload the Base cell or update from the original media. And if that doesn't work order a new CD ROM from your chart supplier. You must refer to a paper chart as legal primary aid of navigation, when you navigate in the area covered by this chart. Failed automatic conversion: ENC: SG5CONTL. Try to reload the update from the original media. And if that doesn't work order a new CD ROM from your chart supplier. Note that the chart is still ENC, but it no longer fulfils the SOLAS requirement. You must refer to a paper chart as legal primary aid of navigation, when you navigate in the area covered by this chart. Failed automatic conversion: ENC: GB5X01SW. Chart is partly usable, but it is not up-to-date. Try to reload the failed previous update from the original media in this example the failed previous update is GB5X01SW. And if that doesn't work, order a new CD ROM from your chart supplier. Note that the chart is still ENC, but it no longer fulfils the SOLAS requirement. You must refer to a paper chart as legal primary aid of navigation, when you navigate in the area covered by this chart. Failed automatic conversion: ENC: GB5X01SW. Chart is not usable and you cannot view it. Try to reload the Base cell from the original media in this example the failed Base cell is GB5X01SW. And if that doesn't work, order a new CD ROM from your chart supplier. You must refer to a paper chart as legal primary aid of navigation, when you navigate in the area covered by this chart. Failed automatic conversion: ENC: GB5X01SW. If you do not use the automatic SENC conversion, you need to manually initiate SENC conversion. Another case in which you need to manually initiate SENC conversion is if you upgraded or reloaded the ECDIS software from the ECDIS software CD ROM. To initiate SENC conversions manually, do the following: 1. Select SENC Convert from the menu and push the scrollwheel. The SENC Convert window appears: 4. Use the Cells button to select an individual chart or use the Groups button to select a group of charts. Then click the Convert button to initiate the SENC conversion of the charts. Note that Convert only converts those charts which are not currently converted into the SENC format. If your selected chart or all members of your selected group are already in the SENC format, the Conversion list remains empty. If all or some charts are not yet in the SENC format, they are added to the Conversion list see the example below. If, for some reason, you need to force SENC conversion of an already converted chart, refer to paragraph 8. Note 1: You may remove charts from the conversion list at any time. Use the cursor to highlight the charts to remove and then click the Select button. Finally, click the Cancel Conv. Note 2: You can view the results of the finished SENC conversions at any time. History button to view the conversion log. Activate ARCS chart: This function activates ARCS chart onto the screen. You have two options for how to open the chart on the display. Load and Update Charts: You can load ENCs into your hard disk, using CD ROMs, floppies or LAN Local Area Network. For further details see the paragraph 8. For further details, see paragraph 8. Remove Charts: You can remove cells from your hard disk. Chart Catalogue: You can manage S57 charts. Set Chart viewing dates: You can view date dependency of the cells RENC status query date, number of updates available, update display dates, update approve dates of the cells in the SENC format. For more information, see paragraph 8. Chart permits:You can load permits for encrypted charts to enable their use in your ECDIS. Currently PRIMAR and CMAP use encryption. This function helps you familiarize yourself with the various chart symbologies used with the ECDIS. For detailed information, see paragraph 8. Open Chart by Cell name: You can open a S57 chart by its number. Chart Cell Status: You can view status of the cells edition number and date, number of updates of the cell stored in your hard disk, CD ROMs or RENC. You can compare that you have the latest cell with latest update in use. For further details, see paragraph 8. Manual Updates: You can update your charts manually. User permit You can check your user permit, which is used as your identifier in security systems such as PRIMAR and CMAP. See the example at left. S52 presentation library You can confirm the S52 presentation library revision number for S57 charts. The current official Presentation library is shown in this example. Refresh charts after backup This is used to refresh available charts and updates after someone backs up all charts and updates from another ECDIS to this ECDIS. Reset files For factory-use only. This feature demonstrates chart uploading and downloading. If you accidentally select this option, you get the display shown left. Click the OK button to escape. Restart drawing process This is used to restart chart drawing. Vector Chart Material 8. Available charts are displayed using their limits of charts. Note that sometimes the real coverage of the charts may be considerably less than the declared limits of it. You can cursorpick any chart by going over its limit and then you can view the information for it. To display the catalogue, do the following: 1. Spin the scrollwheel to select Chart Catalogue and then push the scrollwheel. Vector Chart Material 1. If C-Map charts are not installed, C-Map does not appear. View Filters x Name: Display also cell names in graphical coverage display. Selected Chart x x x Cell: Name of the chart Cell Status: Opens Cell Status window. Open: Opens selected chart to ECDIS display. Group: or further details, see paragraph. The chart limit boxes are color-coded as follows: Green The chart is available for use in SENC format. If the source of the chart is an RENC then the chart is also up-to-date. If the source of the chart is something other than an RENC, then all loaded updates are included into the SENC. The chart is available for use in SENC format but the chart is either not up-to-date or has been cancelled. Either the SENC is from a former edition, the SENC is missing the latest updates or the chart has been cancelled. If the chart is permit free, you do not have it available for use in SENC format and thus you cannot use the chart currently. The chart re uires a permit but you do not have the permit for the chart therefore you cannot use the chart currently. The chart is available either in ENC format, in SENC format for another software version or in SENC format for another ECDIS. You have a permit to use the chart, but the chart is not available in SENC format and thus you cannot use the chart currently. Orange Red Blue Magenta 8-28 ector art ateria i You can define groups of S57 charts. This means you can collect related charts, for example, all cells which cover a route from Liverpool to New York or all cells available from a National Hydrographic Office. To do this, proceed as follows: 1. Click the Edit Group button. Enter name for group then click the Add Frame button. When frame is completed, then click the Done button. When you have completed , click the Close Edit button. Now you can load charts member of group Japan by clicking the Load button. Click the Edit Group button followed by the New button. Enter name for Group. Click the Add Frame button. Click the Done button. Click the Edit Group button. Use the Remove frame button to define area for charts or pick charts individually from the list. To set Approve Until as current date of the system, you must open the Set Chart viewing dates dialog box and perform Approve Until. You can view status and set viewing dates of S57 chart cells and their updates. To view status and date dependency, do the following: 1. Select Set Chart viewing dates from the Chart menu. The Chart Viewing date dialog box appears. Note: You can perform various scrolling functions by placing the cursor on the scroll bar and pushing the right mouse button to show the sub menu below. Select item and then push left mouse button to execute. You can enter desired date by using the Display Until field. An RENC Product List contains information about the charts stored in RENC and the date when the Product List was issued. Select Remove Charts from the Chart menu. Select chart cells to remove from the system. You can remove Base cell 000 , updates 001… and SENC format snc. Press Remove Chart button. Confirm removal by pressing OK button The system will remove file s from the hard disk. Select Remove Charts from the Chart menu. Select all directories in Contents list, except 7C, which are background charts of system and AA which are ECDIS 1 charts. Press Remove Chart button. Confirm removal by pressing OK button The system will remove file s from the hard disk. To be authorized you have to contact an official distributor chart agent of RENC. Then, the following services are available: i Permits are used to control the permission to use a chart. A permit in RENC security is connected to an edition. Permits are issued as two different types: x Subscription permit. These include updates for subsequent 12 months. It is assumed that a typical user is a SOLAS class ship, which is required to use up-to-date charts. These include only updates up to the issue date of the permit. It is assumed that a typical user is a non-SOLAS class ship, which is not required to use up-to-date charts. Each permit also includes the expiry date. The expiry date of a permit controls the ENC to SENC conversion. If the issue date of a chart or update is older or equal to the permit expiry date, then the system can convert an ENC into the SENC. There are no viewing time limits as used in some other security systems such as ARCS. The user has a right to view a chart forever and more over he has a right to convert a chart from its ENC format into the SENC forever. This format does not include the applicable chart edition nor does it include applicable permit type. This format includes the applicable chart edition as well as applicable permit type. The system display warnings associated with expiry date. These warnings are relevant only for Subscription permits. Only the new PERMIT. TXT format supports the system to suppress irrelevant warnings associated with expiry date. You can retrieve the Product List from an RENC via telecommunications or you can load it from the CD ROM of an RENC. When you load a CD ROM or use telecommunications to receive a Product List from an RENC, the ECDIS checks the issue date of the Product List. If the issue date indicates a newer Product List, then it is copied into the ECDIS. If the issue date indicates an older Product List, then ECDIS shows a notice to the user that newer Product List is already loaded. Only if the authentication fails, then the user gets an appropriate notice. From a user point of view, the authentication is similar to the CRC checksum test. If the CRC checksum test or authentication fails, then the chart is unusable. Authentication uses a private key and a public key. A digital signature associated with each chart contains a private key. A public key is stored in the ECDIS and it is truly public. RENC may publish a new public key. This public key will be available as text by fax, by post, by front page of a newspaper, etc. Update CD ROM will be issued once a week. If you want to enlarge your chart coverage, you have to contact your distributor to order more permits for new charts. There are two different kinds of permits: subscription and one-off. In the one-off permit, you order permit for chart and updates which are valid until date you order permit i. No more information can be retrieved for this chart, which is published after order date. One-Off Current Edition: Permit for a chart which is based on data on the hard disk of the ECDIS. One-Off Latest Edition: Permit for a chart which is the latest available based on the Product List of an RENC. The catalogue of S57 charts shows the situation when you last ordered the Product List from an RENC or loaded the latest Base or Update CD ROM into the ECDIS. Note: The ECDIS automatically keeps the latest available Product List. Thus the ECDIS does not load the Product List if it is older than the one already loaded into the ECDIS. Select RENC CD RENC SENC C-Map 2. Select desired Filters The chart limit boxes are color-coded as follows: Green The chart is available for use in SENC format. If the source of the chart is an RENC, then the chart is also up-to-date. If the source of the chart is something other than an RENC then all loaded updates are included into the SENC. The chart is available for use in SENC format but the chart is either not up-to-date or has been cancelled. Either the SENC is from a previous edition, the latest SENC update was missed or the chart has been cancelled. If the chart is permit free, you do not have it available for use in SENC format and thus you cannot use the chart currently. If the chart requires a permit and you do not have the permit for the chart, you cannot use the chart currently. The chart is available either in ENC format, in SENC format for another software version or in SENC format for another ECDIS. For example the chart is blue during SENC conversion and if you loaded a chart into the ECDIS and the system could not convert the chart into SENC format. You have a permit to use the chart, but the chart is not available in SENC format and thus you cannot use the chart currently. Orange Red Blue Magenta ector art ateria i To keep charts up-to-date, you should check for updates with an RENC weekly. The ECDIS compares charts used to Product List of an RENC. If a Permanent Warning appears on the chart display of ECDIS at the upper left corner , this means that the charts used were checked against the Product List and at least one of the charts used is not up-todate. See the Permanent Warning below. The information of available charts and their up-to-date status is available both in the catalogue and in the Chart viewing dates window. The easiest method to check if charts are up-to-date is to view the catalogue and check that the names of all required charts appear in green. The names of charts which are not up-to-date appear in orange. For further details see paragraph 8. You can also use the Chart viewing dates window in the Chart menu when you have doubt that some charts are not up-to-date or the Permanent Warning shown above is displayed. The information is based on the lastordered Product List. Chart Displayed and Approved Until are set based on Updates number Updates Displayed and Approved until as NVLD Not Valid indication. If the Product List is more than 30 days old, the ECDIS displays the S57 Message shown below: To check the date when you have last time ordered Product List of RENC, proceed as follows: Select Chart viewing dates from the menu. The date the Product List was last ordered is shown at the lower left corner of the Chart viewing dates window. A permit in an RENC ENC service is connected to an edition of a chart. Permits are issued in different types: x Subscription permit: This type of permit includes updates for subsequent 12 months. The expiry date of a permit controls the loading of Base charts and their updates to the ECDIS. The ECDIS will warn you when you are loading charts or updates which are issued less than 30 days before the expiration date of a permit. If a permit has expired, it is impossible to load a chart or its update which was issued after the expiration date of the permit. The user has a right to view a chart forever, but it will not complete the requirements for having up-to-date charts. To view the Chart Permits window, open the Chart menu and select Chart Permits. Source filter Select All Unselect All ALL 1. Public Key lets you view a public key or load a new one. Load File enables downloading from an RENC when you receive permits from that RENC. Backup makes a back-up copy of permits. The Edt Edition field displays edition number of a chart to which the permit is valid. Note that when a new edition of a chart is issued a new permit is required. It is possible to have permits for different editions of the same chart. The Type field shows type of permit held for a chart: S, Subscription or O, One-off. The Expires field shows the expiration date of permits. All subscription-type permits will expire on the same date. Warning about soon-to-be-expired subscription is activated every 12 hours when it is less than 30 days from the expiration date. Warning about expired subscription is activated every 12 hours after the subscription has expired. Note: The top half of this message display provides a warning that the Product List is not up-to-date. There are two types of public keys: x RENC: Primar, AVCS file name: PRIMAR. PUB x JHA file name: SAT. TXT You must load a public key when you load a chart. Select Chart Permits from the Chart menu. Source filter Select All Unselect All ALL ector art ateria 2. Click the Public Key button. The Public Key Dialog box appears. SSE 26: Current Public Key is not issued by IHO. Public key dialog box for PRIMAR, AVCS 96EF 14E3 2BA5 3729 800E 054E 67B8 2BB9 28F2 4F15 B073 0C49 031B 28E5 C764 1002 564D B959 95B1 5CF8 5978 1582 69ED 79F0 C4F4 926B 1776 1CCB 9EB7 7C98 7EFB SSE 26: Current Public Key is not issued by IHO. Public key dialog box for JHA 3. Permit Load Drive A A: Go Up PRIMAR. TXT for JHA Load 4. TXT from the Contents window then click the Load button. The Public Key Dialog box appears, showing the conents loaded to the ECDIS. SSE 26: Current Public Key is not issued by IHO. If you accept the contents, click the Accept New button to accept the new public key. Click the X button if you don't accept. When you load charts using the CD ROM catalogue the following information is also loaded into the ECDIS hard disk: x The Content Summary of the Base CD ROM x Publisher Notes x Product List When you receive a new Base CD ROM from an RENC, load charts into the ECDIS as follows: 1. Check that you have already loaded correct Public key. This is very important if you receive CD ROMs for multiple RENC. For details, see paragraph 8. Insert CD ROM or floppy disk to drive. The default load source is from CD ROM. If ECDIS finds a CD-ROM containing chart data then CD-Catalogue will be automatically loaded otherwise window shown below appears, you have to define correct directory, then click the Load button to load from a CD ROM. If you want to load from another ECDIS using LAN, you have to change Load Dir. Click the Browse button to select a new Load Dir. The ECDIS loads content summary, publisher notes and Product List from the CD ROM and then opens the Load or Update Charts from CD ROM dialog box. The system automatically copies all text and pictures files associated with charts from the CD ROM catalogue. The system keeps only the latest version of these. If your system already has newer text or pictures in use, you will get the notice below. In the Load or Update Charts from loaded CD ROM window see page 8-10 , you select the charts to load into the ECDIS. Before ECDIS starts loading charts and then automatically converts them into SENC format you are asked confirmation for this operation. Charts are loaded into ECDIS and then automatically converted to SENC format. The SENC Convert window appears. If an error is detected during conversion from ENC to SENC, the following window appears. To find the reason click the Details button. When conversion is completed, the following window appears. The source and edition date of the CD is displayed here. A list of charts stored in the CD ROM, edition number of the chart and the number of updates included in the chart. In the Load Selector field, you can select how to pick desired charts from the list: x Name: ECDIS will display chart names on graphical presentation if selected. When you load charts by a CD ROM catalogue the following information is also loaded into the ECDIS hard disk: x The Content Summary of the Update CD ROM x Publisher Notes x The Product List When you receive a new Update CD ROM from an RENC, load charts into the ECDIS as follows: 1. Check that you have already loaded correct Public key. This is very important if you receive CD ROMs for multiple RENC. For details, see paragraph 8. Insert CD ROM or floppy disk to drive. The default load source is from CD ROM. If ECDIS finds a CD-ROM containing chart data then CD-Catalogue will be automatically loaded otherwise window shown below appears, you have to define correct directory, then click the Load button to load from a CD ROM. If you want to load from another ECDIS using LAN, you have to change Load Dir. Click the Browse button to select a new Load Dir. The ECDIS loads content summary, publisher notes and Product List from the CD ROM and then opens the Load or Update Charts from CD ROM dialog box. The system automatically copies all text and pictures files associated with charts from the CD ROM catalogue. The system keeps only the latest version of these. If your system already has newer text or pictures in use, you will get the notice below. In the Load or Update Charts from loaded CD ROM window see page 8-10 , you select the charts to load into the ECDIS. Before ECDIS starts loading charts and then automatically converts them into SENC format you are asked confirmation for this operation. Charts are loaded into ECDIS and then automatically converted to SENC format. The SENC Convert window appears. If an error is detected during conversion from ENC to SENC, the following window appears. To find the reason click the Details button. When conversion is completed, the following window appears. The source and edition date of the CD is displayed here. A list of charts stored in the CD ROM, edition number of the chart and the number of updates included in the chart. In the Load Selector field, you can select how to pick desired charts from the list: x Name: ECDIS will display chart names on graphical presentation if selected. Select from Chart menu Load or Update Charts and next menu select from CD-ROM. These cells are colored magenta. Then, when you load a chart, only the cells which have a permit are loaded. During loading, these cells are colored blue. After the chart is SENC-converted, the color of the cells becomes green. Then, cells with permits are magenta and those without permits are red. When you load all cells, the color of all cells is blue. After SENC conversion, cells with permits are green and those without permits are blue. This decreases loading time and you can soon know what cells can be used. The, the ECDIS loads only those cells that it does not already have. During the updating, cells are colored orange. After SENC conversion, the cells become green. When you receive new permits from an RENC, you have to load them into the ECDIS. A permit is a key which is used to decrypt the chart you want to use in the ECDIS. To load permits, do the following: 1. Select Chart Permits from the Chart menu. Select CD-ROM from the Look-in box. Permits are available in two formats. TXT which contain permits and their editions and subscription types. This is the preferred format. PMT, received from an RENC, contain permits, but no edition or subscription information. PMT format is used by the system for backup of permits. As a backup it contain also subscription type and edition. Select suitable permit file and click the Load button to load permits. The Chart Permits window displays permits which are loaded into the ECDIS. Check that all permit cells are shown in the List box. Please contact RENC service to get new permit file. Please contact RENC service to get new permit file. If you load permits from a different ECDIS, you get the following message. Check that you are loading permits to correct ECDIS. If you try to load expired permits, following message appears. Early warning of permits expiration. These are described below and on the next several pages. If you later use a CD ROM catalogue created during loading of S57 charts, you get the following messages for a wrong CD ROM. Study these messages carefully because you may need to use paper charts to fulfil SOLAS requirements. You do not have a valid permit A chart was not converted into SENC because the permit for it has expired. A chart was not converted into SENC because a permit is for a different edition. You can check edition of the permit using the Chart Permits window in the Chart menu and the edition of the chart by using the Cell Status window. Typical reason is that the chart has been updated too many times as new edition instead of an update. Ask for new permits from your chart agent. Coding error in Signature. For details see paragraph 8. You have a permit, but it is valid for another edition of the cell or for another RENC service. You can check edition of the permit using the Chart Permits window and the edition of a chart using the Cell Status window, both in the Chart menu. Open the Chart menu then select Activate S57 chart. Select Ignore Scale show S57 chart in scale used previously to open an S57 chart or Sync Scale show S57 chart in same scale as ARCS chart. Select Chart Catalogue from the Chart menu. From the Chart Catalogue dialog box, use the cursor to select desired chart. For further details, see paragraph 8. Click the Open button i You may view S57 charts using different positions and different scales. The basic tools for browsing charts are Range -, Range+, Set Chart Center, ShipOffcenter and TM Reset. Move cursor to desired place on chart and then push the right mouse button. Keep button pressed down while moving cursor over desired place. Release right button to get chart redrawn. You can repeat this until you have desired area on screen. The dialog box shown below appears. Turn off automatic true motion reset by displaying and clicking TM Reset in the mouse functions area. Use the scrollwheel to set the latitude and longitude position for chart center and then click the Set Center button. Range - and Range+ change the chart scale. If true motion reset is active, ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT keep the relative position of the own ship with respect to the display. If true motion reset is on, ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT keep the relative position pointed by the cursor with respect to the display. The system automatically selects next larger or smaller scale. In the relative motion mode, own ship stays in a fixed position, while the chart moves on screen. If, in the true motion mode, you reset own position with TM Reset, own ship will immediately jump to the true motion reset position. If, in the true motion mode, you use ShipOffcenter, your ship will go to that position on screen and continue true motion movement from that position. When it reaches the true motion reset borderline, it will automatically jump to the true motion reset position. If, in the relative motion mode, you reset own position with TM Reset, your ship will immediately jump to the true motion reset position and use that position as fixed position to stay on screen. If you use relative motion, you can select a new fixed position for your ship by using ShipOffcenter. Use Range - and Range+ to select desired chart scale. If it does, go to step 5. If the text Activate S57 chart appears, select it and push the scrollwheel. Select Open Chart by Cell name from the menu and then push the scrollwheel. Select desired chart from chart list dialog and then click the Open Chart button. This can be done on Chart page of Chart Display. Colours used for depth presentation is controlled by setting values for Shallow Contour, Safety Contour and Deep Contour. See below pictures for Multi colour presentation and Two color presentation. MULTI COLOUR presentation: Chart zero Shallow contour Safety contour input value Safety contour exisiting in ENC Deep contour Non-navigable area Navigable area In the multicolour presentation four colours are used for depths. If input Safety contour does not exist in electronic chart, system selects automatically next deeper available depth contour as Safety contour. For example input value is 8 m, but there is no 8 m depth contour in electronic chart, system selects next deeper depth contour 10 m as Safety contour. Depth contour value of 10 m is presented as Safety Contour in this electronic chart. Shallow contour is for possible visual color change inside the unsafe water area. Set value of Shallow Contour less than value of Safety contour. TWO COLOR presentation: Chart zero Shallow contour Safety contour input value Safety contour exisiting in ENC Deep contour Non-navigable area Navigable area In two colour presentation unsafe water is shown as blue colour and safe water shown as white colour. If input Safety contour does not exist in electronic chart, system selects automatically next deeper available depth contour as Safety contour. For example input value is 8 m, but there is no 8 m depth contour in electronic chart, system selects next deeper depth contour 10 m as Safety contour. Depth contour value of 10 m is presented as Safety Contour in this electronic chart. Vector Chart Material C a t age Blac and gre color s mbol: This symbol is used to verify that you can distinguish black frame of symbol and grey inner part of symbol colors with current contrast and brilliance settings. Dsp Dimmer: se this control to ad ust dimming of display. Te t CA I indicates that dimming of display is set within calibration values. Note: se of the brightness control may inhibit visibility of information at night. Palette: Select appropriate palette for the display depending on the brightness of the bridge. Shallow contour: Set value of shallow water contour. Safet depth: Set value of safety depth. Spot soundings below the safety depth are highlighted. Safet contour: Set value of safety contour. Note: The system uses safety contour also for chart alerts. Deep contour: Set deep water contour. M reset: In the true motion mode, own ship moves until it reaches the true motion reset borderline set here , and then it umps back to an opposite position on screen based on its course. Set the limit for TM reset in percentage. Chart alert highlight: Enable or disable highlight of chart alerts. S mbols: Select how to display chart symbols. The options are: 1. Simplified: The shape of symbols is of modern design and the sea mark symbols are filled in a color. Paper Chart: The shape of symbols imitates traditional symbols used in paper charts. Vector Chart Material Depths: Set how to display different depth ones on the chart display. The options are: x Plain: The line styles are limited to plain solid and dashed lines. The options are: x imited: The length of a light sector is fi ed at 25 mm independently of the displayed scale. Shallow pattern: Set how to display shallow water area. The options are: None Diamond: rovided to distinguish shallow water at night. The options are Detailed: The system tries to highlight updates so that only those ob ects which have visible changes are highlighted. The Other 1 and Other 2 pages contain chart features for which you can control visibility and which are not part of IMO-defined standard display. Note 1: To use the Info request feature, which provides information for cursor-selected chart feature, the associated chart feature must be turned on from the Standard page. Note 2: To navigate between the pages in the Chart Display dialog box, click the appropriate arrow tab with the left mouse button or hit the NEXT key on the Control Head RCU-018. As required by IMO, these features cannot be made invisible. The Display Base consist of the following chart features: x x x x x x x Coastline high water Own ship's safety contour, which is selected by the user Indication of isolated underwater dangers of depths less than the safety contour which lie within the safe waters defined by the safety contour Indication of isolated dangers which lie within the safe water defined by the safety contour such as bridges, overhead wires, etc. Traffic routine systems Scale, range, orientation and display mode Units of depth and height ector art ateria i i i i i i Visibility control of the navigation features is divided into five pages in the Symbol Display dialog box. The user can define settings for chart details which are displayed over the chart area. This page contains selection of route related navigation features Monitored route: Select which part of monitored route to display. Planned route: Select which part of planned route to display. Note: WP mark on both monitor and planned routes is set permanently to Std position. Open Main menu and select Symbol display from the menu. Length: select length of past track. Labels: select label interval. Target past positions x x Density: Select density of past position of points. Style: Select style of presentation of target's past position. Events: These marks are based on voyage log records. For more information, see paragraph 23. Auto Event: display automatically entered event symbols, where the system has recorded an event based on conditions you have set Type: Ship and Alarm. Positions display the latitude and longitude of an event. Note 1: MOB event is always visible. Note: Source of ROT must be ROT gyro on target vessel. Range: select to circumscribe pilot data records with circles on the display. The size of a circle depends on the value set in Notes. Text: select to show text of Notes records on the chart. User chart: x x x x Points: Select to show user points on user charts.